Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sometimes you just got to stop and pray!

Sorry it has taken so long to write, I have a computer available to me. I was on a little mini vacation in Southern Illinos we Jason and his family. We had such a great time, but sometimes in the middle of all that you have to pray.

Yesterday morning, before I was even fully awake, I got a phone call. It was a girlfriend of mine. She was so upset. She was having a problem with her daughter, mother and her "baby daddy". Even tho' I am hundreds of miles away from her, I tried my best to help out the best way that I can. I talked to her and told her what I felt was the right thing to do. I told her to pray about it and about the whole situation, and so would I. I hung up the phone with her. And it clicked, "you should have prayed for her right then, when she was still on the phone"...but God I am on vacation, I need to get a shower and get dressed before everyone gets't you hate when God makes you feel bad about something that you "should" have you know what porobably came after, prayer. I didn't call her back, but I did pray for her about her situation.

Later that day, I get a phone call from home. I have a cousin who was born and raised in church and has strayed away. The phone call informed that he had been jumped twice in one day and that it had upset my grandmother greatly. Of course I called everyone to see how they were doing and to give a word of encouragement. I stopped and prayed for my cousin and his salvation.

I said all that to say this...You have to be ready in and out of season. You never know when God needs you to stand in the gap.....During this whole time I was thinking how can I pray for others needs when I have needs of my own. But I did, I put everything else first. God brought a sweet peace to my situation so that I could be used where he needed to use me. So be ready to be used!!!

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